Monday, January 31, 2011

Thirty Days?

I just realized I haven't blogged since January 1st--thirty days. What a weird coincidence. I'll get to that in a moment.

So what have I been doing instead of blogging? Some writing. Not as much as I'd like. The evil day job has been brutal. Being an accountant is bad enough this time of year. Closing the books for the year is a headache. Not that this is the first time I've done it. It is, however, the first time I've been in charge in quite a while.

I knew going back to the old day job and taking the promotion to controller would throw a monkey wrench in my writing. I just didn't realize how much. Thankfully, my friend Brandi Evans is pulling my muse out of the darkness and the numbers.

This month we've gotten back to meeting on weekends to write. Between August and December, I averaged 1500 words a month. Since Brandi's been cracking the whip, I've written nearly 6k words on my new BDSM story in January. *cackle*

Speaking of cracking the whip--and the weird coincidence of thirty days--I'm putting my Liquid Silver novellas, THIRTY DAYS and FOREVER, into print. I'm waiting now on the final proof before it goes into distribution titled FROM THIRTY DAYS TO FOREVER.

The first copy, hot off the press, will be given away in a contest on Lissa Matthew's blog celebrating her birthday. She's having a birthday blog blast for the month of February with some awesome giveaways from a bunch of authors! Check out her blog each day for more information.

January has turned out to be a pretty decent month--except for the 14-16 hour days at the EDJ. Our annual audit is in February so things should slow down after that. Hopefully.

I hope life is treating you gently.

Have a fabulous day!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2011!

2010 has been an interesting year. Interesting isn't always a good thing. There's an old curse that says, "May you live in interesting times." But I take hope in the other saying, "That which does not kill us, makes us stronger."

So another year gone. Another decade is history. Seems as if the last ten years flew by in a flash of streaming starfields. That'd be warp speed for the non-Trekkers among you. *cackle* I think the older I get, the faster time flies.

I don't do New Year's resolutions. I feel like I'm setting myself up to fail with over ambitious goals. However, I will be general about what I hope to see in 2011.

Get healthier. Write more. Don't let the evil day job take over my life. Spend more time with family and friends.

The last one I'm jumping into today. Taking the 16yo niece and her friend to see Tron: Legacy in 3D on the IMAX.

To all my friends, online and off, I hope you have a fabulous 2011 and life brings you everything you desire!
