Saturday, April 28, 2007

Join Myla Jackson & Shayla Kersten April 29th 8-4pm CST

Myla Jackson & Shayla Kersten
List Mom Day at Ellora's Cave Chat!
Sunday April 29th 8-4pm CST

Join Myla Jackson and Shayla Kersten on the Ellora's Cave Chat group for an exciting List Mom day. We'll have excerpts, scavenger hunts and prizes!!! Come spend your Sunday with us and get great sneak peeks into current and upcoming books by Myla, Shayla and other great Ellora's Cave authors. See you there!

To join:

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Not Again!

Well, now I know why I was feeling yucky on Thursday... By Thursday night, I had a sore throat and couldn't stop coughing. Went to work Friday and lasted two hours. Came home and played unconcious for the weekend. Went to the doctor yesterday. I have pneumonia... ARGH! I've now missed nearly three days of work, countless time for writing and I still feel like crap.

At least I have drugs now... This year has sucked in the health department.

I hope everyone is having a better week than I am!

Germy hugs,

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Something finished!

Not much but the edits on the short story for The Wild Rose Press are done and accepted! Woo hoo! And I actually got 600 words written last night. I'm feeling really groggy this morning. Having trouble waking up. I hate that feeling. It's like I took a sleeping pill too late but I didn't.

I stopped by Walmart last night and finally broke down and bought a new DVD player. My last one tried to keep a DVD. It ended up in about a dozen pieces but I got my DVD back!! The new one has a record option, not that I do much recording. And Brian and Justin from QAF look wonderful on a screen larger than my computer!


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A chance to win an ebook!

I'm blogging at Silver Expressions on Wednesday, April 18th! Stop by and comment for a chance to win your choice of a Liquid Silver ebook!Hope to see you there!


Fantastic Review for The Cost of Eternity!

Danny at Love Romances and More said: "Ms. Kersten is really a Master of emotional stories that are completely spellbinding and which keep her readers glued to the pages. The readers can’t help but to fall in love with her heroes. Ms. Kersten books are really addictive and this reviewer can hardly wait to read more of her books.

If you love hot M/M Vampire tales you don’t want to miss this keeper! It’s one of the best that this reviewer has read in awhile. Ms. Kersten is an author you definitely want to keep an eye on!"

Check out all of the wonderful reviews for The Cost of Eternity on my website at

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Rememdiu has a release date!

My editor emailed me today! The Rememdiu will release on July 27th! Woo hoo! The good news just keeps on coming! The Rememdiu is the sequel to The Cost of Eternity.

I finished my edits for Double Deutsch, the Wild Rose Press antho story. I'll wait to read through them again tomorrow before I send them back. Too tired to read through again tonight!

Hugs to all and to all a good night!

New Sale!!

I received my contract on the short story for the Wild Rose Press anthology, Destination Pleasure! Woo hoo! I always like receiving contracts. It makes the sale feel real! *cackle*

This one is a departure from my usual stories! The men only play with the woman and not each other! LOL

Other authors included in the anthology are Delilah Devlin, Myla Jackson, Kimberly Kaye Terry, Eve Savage, Betty Hanawa, Brenna Zinn, Desiree Holt, Layla Chase, Megan Kerans and Allie Standifer. With names like this, you know the stories are going to be hot!

I hope to have a cover to post soon!

I also received my edits. *pouts* Fortunately, there aren't many!

Now I guess I should get to the work part. My editor wants them back in 10 days. Don't see that as a problem since she seems to have taken it easy on me.
