Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy TurkeyDay!

Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends
and an absolutely fabulous Thursday to everyone else!

I need to do a real update on blog but I'll play catch up as usual later!
*group hug*

Friday, November 13, 2009

Ready to Rumble at Barnes & Noble!

I'm having a bit of a laughing fit. As in really falling over laughing. This post is supposed to be about the joint book signing at the Little Rock Barnes & Noble on Saturday, November 14 from 6:00-8:00 PM. Authors signing will be Delilah Devlin, Sandra Jones, Shada Royce, Anna J. Evans (aka Annaliese Evans) and me! *grins* Myla Jackson was supposed to be signing as well but she couldn't make it. *pouts*

So I popped over to the B&N Event website to check out the wording of the event (Things Are Heating Up at Barnes & Noble). Make sure I got it right. I'm old. I forget things. So anyway... I notice there are two events on Saturday. First on the list is the book signing.

Author Event (Romance)
Saturday November 14, 2009 6:00 PM
More about this event

Next is this...

The LR Christian Academy will be at B&N for an all day event highlighting their school. (Which is, from everything I've heard, an excellent Christian school.) However, we can only hope they leave before the erotic romance writers show up...

I wonder if the B&N event manager noticed the irony of the day's programs. Should be interesting. Watch the news for any rumbles breaking out in a Little Rock bookstore! This idea puts all kind of strange images in my mind. Like Saturday Night Live's Church Lady flailing her purse and chasing the naughty authors--especially the one that writes the gay stuff. Oh noes, sounds like a possible scene in a book. *cackle* *snort* *falls off bed*

Come and see us and find out!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Self-Editing Class Nov 15-21

Self-Editing Workshop

Nov. 15-21

Want to perk up the pace of your prose?

Don’t know what to look for?

Contest judges getting you down?

Never learned the difference between POV and Show vs Tell?

Join two Roses of
Roses Colored Glasses for the

Self-Editing Workshop

Your Instructors: Layla Chase and Shayla Kersten

This workshop will help make your writing shine! Through the use of checklists, lectures and all new writing exercises, we give you tangible examples of what to look for and how to fix it. You'll get interactive assistance from editor and award-winning author, Layla Chase, and multi-published author Shayla Kersten.

Passive Vs Active voice, Power words & pumping up your sentences

Eliminating implied or unnecessary words

Gerunds, misplaced modifiers, dangling participles

POV and Show Vs Tell

Grammar & Punctuation


To enroll, send your $20 payment through Paypal from the workshop page on Deadline for enrollment is Nov. 14th.


"... even more than the wonderful tips and checklist and exercises, this workshop taught us how to discipline ourselves, which I love. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"I did learn some of the little tidy ends which as a novice I didn't realize the importance of "don't does" in writing novels."

"Great workshop! I will be recommending it to my writer friends."

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lagging Behind Again...

The story of my life. Everything seems to get away from me! This week was worse because I spent most of it at the evil parttime day job or working on it from home. However, the highlights of the week!

Number one, of course, my latest Ellora's Cave book, FOR OLYMPUS' SAKE came out on Friday! Woo hoo! Hawt cover, hawt manlove, Greek gods and a journey through Hades! Fun, fun! @ladyjaided on Twitter described it as "Olympian Alex must rescue a horny archaeologist and Aphrodite's necklace from hell." Funny but very apt! Stop by Ellora's Cave and check it out!

Saturday I spent the day with galpal Delilah Devlin at the Maumelle Writers Conference. It's a very small conference but we met tons of great folks. We set up a table for the Diamond State Romance Authors. We may have found a few new members! We also passed out information on the Roses Colored Glasses group and the upcoming Self Edit Class.

Speaking of the Self Edit Class, we're giving it November 15-21. It's an online class facilitated through a Yahoo group with lots of individual interactions. Stopped by and check out the online brochure. Join us for tips on polishing your manuscript.

NaNoWriMo...Well, as week two starts, I'm lagging way behind. Last count was around 5300 words. After eight days, I need to be over 13k to be on pace for 50k. I did a lot at the evil day job last week so hopefully I can make up some time this week. I think I only have the EDJ one day this week--Tuesday. I'll know more then.

Tomorrow, I'm meeting my critique partner, Cynthia D'Alba, in Little Rock to write then we're attending Ree Drummond's booksigning at the Walmart at Chenal and Cantrell Road. Known on the web as The Pioneer Woman, her story reads like a real life romance novel. She says on her website, "I loved the city. Then I met a cowboy. Now I live in the middle of nowhere." Well, she's written a cookbook including some of the great recipes found her website. Guess what Momma is getting for Christmas? Check out her fabulous site!

Next Saturday, I'm part of a mass booksigning at Barnes & Noble in Little Rock. If you're in the LR area, plan on stopping by! Unfortunately, they weren't able to get my new Ellora's Cave print books yet so I'll be signing the straight stuff but there'll be chocolate! Stop by and say hi!

From the B&N website:

Things Are Heating Up at Barnes & Noble

Author Event
Baby, it's cold outside. Warm up with romance authors Delilah Devlin, Sandra Jones, Shayla Kersten, Shada Royce and Anna J. Evans (aka Annaliese Evans). Authors will be available to sign books

Saturday November 14, 2009 6:00 PM

11500 Financial Ctr Pkwy, Little Rock, AR 72211, 501-954-7646

Monday, November 2, 2009

NaNoWriMo Kickoff!

Day one...

Well, I didn't start out too well on day one. I finished up submission on another project and emailed it to my Ellora's Cave editor. With that off my desktop, I went to Conway for a NaNoWriMo kickoff party/write-in. My total word count for the day was 786. Keep in mind, to succeed with a 50k in 30 day challenge, I need to average 1667 words per day. So I'm already behind. *hangs head in shame* I have the evil day job this week, and probably part of next week, so I may be slow going getting started.

This year's novel is a gay erotic ghost story cold case murder mystery romance. *grins* Yes, genres gone wild. *cackle* The plan is for 85k words total but only 50k in November. I'm not totally nuts!

Now I'm off to the EDJ! Have a fabulous day, everyone!