Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday Report Card: The Short of It...

I is tired wurk too hard

I am exhausted so this will be a short report. The Evil Day Job won this week but I managed to accomplish some writing too. Mostly today. And because I ignored housework and yard work in favor of Starbucks and writing. I'm afraid my dust bunnies are becoming sentient. Hopefully, they'll get along with the other critters.

The week was full of day job stuff but my Ellora's Cave editor sent back edits on the new TN Cop story, River of Need. Not much in the way of actual edits. Mostly it was the usual struggle with commas. *cackle* Plus a couple of requests to clarify or tweak awkward sentences. She really loved this one. She said it was much more raw and gritty than my usual stuff and she loved it! I did some serious Snoopy dancing over her praise! LOL

Even with minimal edits, I like to do a complete read of the manuscript so I couldn't run through the comments and be done. I managed a about a third of the book Tuesday night . I ended up working late the rest of the week. Or just too tired. Saturday evening I worked through some more but couldn't finish. I woke up around midnight last night and completed the edits.

After a late start this morning, I ended up at Starbucks. I wrote 2675 words on the Ellora's Cave Naughty Nooner submission. Finished it except for self-edits and a few tweaks. I'm a few hundred words short of 6k. I have to watch the word count or I'll end up bumping into the new shorter Quickie range and it'll no longer be a freebie! LOL

My RWA chapter, Diamond State Romance Authors, met Saturday. I was supposed to give the program but with no time to really prepare and the fact I needed to leave early, I postponed the program until next month. We did read aloud critiques before the business meeting. I read from my lesbian vamp short story. No one seemed to get the mythology behind the story. While chatting with Delilah Devlin about it today, she suggested I write an intro paragraph about the legend. Brilliant!

I played around with the story when I got home. I need to spice up the end with a little more sex then I'll send to my CPs.

My goals last week:

1) Finish Naughty Nooner free short story (epilogue to ICING ON THE CAKE). Still need to do self-edits.
2) Work on synopsis for Angel Moon book 3. Nada. Just not enough time.
3) Work on plot for new MedRom idea. Same as #2.

This week's goals:

1) Work on Beloved (lesbian vampire).
2) Self-edits on Naughty Nooner.
3) Work on synopsis for Angel Moon book 3.
4) Work on plot for new MedRom idea.

Oh and my Kindle shipped on Friday with an estimated delivery date of tomorrow. I've never looked forward to a Monday like I am tomorrow! *cackle* Of course, it'll probably arrive on Tuesday.

Hope you have a fabulous week!

1 comment:

N.J.Walters said...

Some weeks are one step forward and two back. I figure anything you get done is a good thing. :)