Okay, so I missed last week's post. My excuse...due to the holiday weekend, I forgot it was Sunday. Hey, I'm old. I forget things! *cackle* Not to mention I really didn't feel as if I made much progress the week before. I did add a little over 1700 words that week but I still didn't finish the revise and resub. It was beginning to feel like the never ending revision! ARGH! The ideas were there, I just couldn't find time to get it done. Frustration doesn't make for a great post...
The evil day job took up a lot of my time both weeks. Not that I'm complaining. A regular paycheck is a great thing. I needed one! Not to mention I'm back on benefits (YAY health insurance!). But I have to relearn the balance between the EDJ and my writing time. I'm not sure how I wrote so much when I was working full time. Hopefully, I'll find my way again.
So this week's progress was actually less but more. I added just under 1700 words but I finished the revise/resub. I talked my galpal
Delilah Devlin into reading it for me. She's one busy lady so I hope she'll be able to get it back to me by the end of the week.
My Tennessee Cop story #4 (still no title) is in the hands of my critique partner,
Brandi Evans. Another busy lady. Between her writing, her two adorable children--who think I'm another grandmother--and her National Guard duties, I don't expect that one back until later in the week. She had weekend drill this weekend and she's barely back from her two week AT.
I need to write the blurb and synopsis but it helps to have a title. Maybe I'll write a blurb then have a contest for a title...
Oh, and my editor said to expect edits on Shrouded Angel--the sequel to Angel Moon--sometime this week. That's a big yay! I want to scratch this one off my list.
I started the fifth story in my Tennessee Cop series today almost immediately after I finished the revise/resub. I'm about 700 words in. Hopefully this one will come together fast. The story has been mulling around in my brain for a while.
On a more personal note, my sleep study revealed over a 5.7 hour period--which I was awake at least three or four times--I made it into REM sleep for a total of 25 minutes. And that was three different times after 3AM, the longest being 15 minutes. People can't survive without REM sleep. I had all the symptoms, crankiness--although my family says I'm that way when I get sleep--distracted, forgetful, can't concentrate...
Well, I received my CPAP machine on Tuesday. The first night, I felt as if I were suffocating with the mask on. I woke up a number of times, pulling it off or having pulled it off in my sleep. I kept putting it back on, determined to make it work because I paid too much for the damn thing!
The second night, I fared better. I actually slept for five straight hours. And toward morning, I actually dreamed. Vivid color-filled dreams. Although the idea of me taking care of a baby should have been a nightmare. *cackle* But dreams mean REM sleep. I haven't dreamed in ages...
The third night I went back to the suffocating feeling. Actually, I think I was having hot flashes because the mask felt super hot, giving me the feeling of unable to breathe.
So while I'm still getting accustomed to the CPAP machine, it looks like it will be the answer. Maybe once my sleep patterns are reestablished, my writing habits will balance out with my evil day job. It's amazing what sleep will do for you!
And having a little oxygen on the brain is a good thing, as the cat in the above picture will agree!
I should have two days off from the EDJ plus Sunday. My RWA chapter,
Diamond State Romance Authors, meets on Saturday so I won't have much in the way of writing time that day.
My goals for this week must be fluid. If I get back any story from anyone--Delilah, Brandi or my EC editor--it will take priority. Otherwise, my goals will be as follows:
1) Write 4500 words on TnC#5.
That's 1500 per day for the three days available. If my sleep patterns improve, I might be able to manage some writing after work. Usually I'm so tired I can't sit at the computer long enough to concentrate.
Hope ya'll have a fabulous week!