It was a really busy week. We not only had Thanksgiving Day, we had a day before TD meal as well. The oldest niece couldn't make it up on Thursday because she had to work. So sis put together ribs and all the fixin's on Wednesday. The eldest niece brought a few friends. I think we scared them but that's okay. They seemed to have a good time anyway.
Monday and Tuesday I had to go work for the old day job. The auditors were in for preliminary work. Since I helped with some of the major transactions last year, my former boss wanted me there in case there were questions. I remembered just how much I did not like the early morning thing with long commute. Blech!
Needless to say, the writing suffered this week. I'm not going to make my NaNo. My combined word count for the month was almost 26k words--and that was on several projects. Plus I had a couple of stories to revise and get ready for submissions--blurbs, synopses, etc. As much as I hate missing NaNo, getting stories submitted is more beneficial to my bottom line than NaNo bragging rights.
So now I have three stories subbed to Ellora's Cave and one short story subbed to Black Lace. *crosses fingers, toes and eyes* I'm about halfway through two more stories targeted at EC. I stalled on the one I was working (currently known as FS) on so I switched to another abandoned WIP (also known as OOC). I'll probably bounce between the two until they are done. Although OCC has caught my attention rather well this week. I might actually finish it first.
I spent part of the day with my critique partner, Cynthia D'Alba, and another writer friend, Shada Royce, at Starbucks in Little Rock. We had a write in from 9 to about 1 then went to lunch at IHOP. I did pretty good with OOC while I was there. I edited to make it more specifically targeted at EC--meaning I went from a M/F/M story to a M/M/F menage with an extra M in there somewhere. *cackle* The original story was rejected by Spice Brief earlier this year. I was going to make it longer and send it to EC as a M/F/M story. However, my wicked little brain took a left turn and I ended up revising much more than I planned. Plus I added some. I had about 1600 additional words and the old story completely revised by the time we finished up at Starbucks. I came home and did about 1000 words more. Now, I'm off to bed. Long day and I'm tired.
Plus, I have to get up in the morning! It's the last Sunday of the month and you know what that means! Yes, I'll be joining Delilah Devlin and Myla Jackson at the Ellora's Cave Readers Yahoo Loop. The emails will be flying from 8-4 Central US time. Lots of excerpts to post plus games and prizes! Stop by and check us out at You join the email loop and either have the emails sent to you or you can read and post online at the Yahoo Group page.
The word count meters for the week:
FS (Stalled)