Saturday, December 26, 2009

Anniversary Contest Winner!

ACK! I was occupied with family stuff and forgot to post this at 7PM!

So without further ado... the winner is...

Sherry (sstrode@...)!

Congratulations, Sherry! I'll email you for your mailing address and your prize preference!

And thank you to everyone who entered!

I hope everyone has had a safe and wonderful holiday!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

And to all a very good night!

A very Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all!
Stay safe and warm!

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy 3rd Anniversary, THIRTY DAYS!

Three years ago today I kept checking Liquid Silver's home page in an obsessive fervor. I knew books didn't release until 7PM but that didn't stop me from spending all day looking! I don't think I got much work done at the evil day job. *cackle*

Three years... They say time flies when you're having fun. So many stories written, some published, some filed in the folder called "under the bed", some saved for another day. Eighteen stories released and one sold and on the way.

In celebration of the third anniversary of THIRTY DAYS, I'm celebrating with a contest! Winner's choice of a download of any of my published ebooks or an autographed copy of either NAUGHTIEST NUPTIALS, PAST LIES or MASTERS OF DESIRE. Also the winner will receive a goodie box of chocolate and coffee!

For a chance to win, email me a list six (6) of my book titles at shayla AT shaylakersten DOT com. You can find all the titles on my website at If you've read them, tell me which one is your favorite. If you haven't, tell me which one sounds like something you'd be interested in! Your answers could decide what kind of story I write next! *grins*

The contest will close in one week (December 25) at midnight Central time. The winner will be announced on Saturday, December 26, at 7PM Central.

By Shayla Kersten
Copyright © SHAYLA KERSTEN, 2006


Biton Savakis, a 42 year old wealthy lawyer in New York City, is lost without his beloved slave of ten years. Since Erik’s death from cancer three months before, the will to continue his life as a Dom slipped away. Until now. The forlorn looking redhead seems as lost as Biton feels. Maybe the young man can help ease his tension, even if only for a little while.

Cavan never chose the life of a slave but he doesn’t clearly remember a time when he wasn’t one. Beaten close to death and thrown aside by his former Master, Cavan doesn’t know how to do anything else. When Biton offers him a temporary contract, Cavan doesn’t understand the meaning of his new Master’s words. All he knows is he has a new home and someone to serve. But what will happen to him when the contract ends... In thirty days...

For an except:

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Running as Fast as I Can!

So far behind here. Mainly because I've been blogging elsewhere! And I forgot to announce the other places on my own blog. I'm such a ditz these days.

First, I bloggedat the Rainbow Studio on Friday. Three years ago this week, my first published book released! Check out the blog for things I've learned since then!

Today, I guest blogged at galpal Delilah Devlin's blog. The biyotch is crusin' in the Caribbean and needed people to keep up her blog. There I talk about my latest release, FOR OLYMPUS' SAKE!

And sometime tonight or in the morning, I'll have an interview posted at The Blackraven's Erotic Cafe. I'm so bad. I can't remember exactly when. *hangs head in shame* But there'll also be a contest! All you have to do is answer one question in the comments on the post with my interview at The Blackraven's Erotic Cafe and you'll be entered for a chance to win a print copy of PAST LIES or NAUGHTIEST NUPTIALS! Keep an eye on the blog for the post! Blackraven asked lots of interesting questions! (ETA: The post is up here!)

Finally, I will be blogging this Friday here about the third anniversary of the release of THIRTY DAYS! I'll also be running a big contest starting Friday. I just have to figure out what kind of prizes to give away! Yes, procrastination is my middle name! *cackle*

I hear a bag rattling in the living room. Guess I should go see what the little monsters have found to play with, i.e. destroy!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy TurkeyDay!

Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends
and an absolutely fabulous Thursday to everyone else!

I need to do a real update on blog but I'll play catch up as usual later!
*group hug*

Friday, November 13, 2009

Ready to Rumble at Barnes & Noble!

I'm having a bit of a laughing fit. As in really falling over laughing. This post is supposed to be about the joint book signing at the Little Rock Barnes & Noble on Saturday, November 14 from 6:00-8:00 PM. Authors signing will be Delilah Devlin, Sandra Jones, Shada Royce, Anna J. Evans (aka Annaliese Evans) and me! *grins* Myla Jackson was supposed to be signing as well but she couldn't make it. *pouts*

So I popped over to the B&N Event website to check out the wording of the event (Things Are Heating Up at Barnes & Noble). Make sure I got it right. I'm old. I forget things. So anyway... I notice there are two events on Saturday. First on the list is the book signing.

Author Event (Romance)
Saturday November 14, 2009 6:00 PM
More about this event

Next is this...

The LR Christian Academy will be at B&N for an all day event highlighting their school. (Which is, from everything I've heard, an excellent Christian school.) However, we can only hope they leave before the erotic romance writers show up...

I wonder if the B&N event manager noticed the irony of the day's programs. Should be interesting. Watch the news for any rumbles breaking out in a Little Rock bookstore! This idea puts all kind of strange images in my mind. Like Saturday Night Live's Church Lady flailing her purse and chasing the naughty authors--especially the one that writes the gay stuff. Oh noes, sounds like a possible scene in a book. *cackle* *snort* *falls off bed*

Come and see us and find out!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Self-Editing Class Nov 15-21

Self-Editing Workshop

Nov. 15-21

Want to perk up the pace of your prose?

Don’t know what to look for?

Contest judges getting you down?

Never learned the difference between POV and Show vs Tell?

Join two Roses of
Roses Colored Glasses for the

Self-Editing Workshop

Your Instructors: Layla Chase and Shayla Kersten

This workshop will help make your writing shine! Through the use of checklists, lectures and all new writing exercises, we give you tangible examples of what to look for and how to fix it. You'll get interactive assistance from editor and award-winning author, Layla Chase, and multi-published author Shayla Kersten.

Passive Vs Active voice, Power words & pumping up your sentences

Eliminating implied or unnecessary words

Gerunds, misplaced modifiers, dangling participles

POV and Show Vs Tell

Grammar & Punctuation


To enroll, send your $20 payment through Paypal from the workshop page on Deadline for enrollment is Nov. 14th.


"... even more than the wonderful tips and checklist and exercises, this workshop taught us how to discipline ourselves, which I love. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"I did learn some of the little tidy ends which as a novice I didn't realize the importance of "don't does" in writing novels."

"Great workshop! I will be recommending it to my writer friends."

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lagging Behind Again...

The story of my life. Everything seems to get away from me! This week was worse because I spent most of it at the evil parttime day job or working on it from home. However, the highlights of the week!

Number one, of course, my latest Ellora's Cave book, FOR OLYMPUS' SAKE came out on Friday! Woo hoo! Hawt cover, hawt manlove, Greek gods and a journey through Hades! Fun, fun! @ladyjaided on Twitter described it as "Olympian Alex must rescue a horny archaeologist and Aphrodite's necklace from hell." Funny but very apt! Stop by Ellora's Cave and check it out!

Saturday I spent the day with galpal Delilah Devlin at the Maumelle Writers Conference. It's a very small conference but we met tons of great folks. We set up a table for the Diamond State Romance Authors. We may have found a few new members! We also passed out information on the Roses Colored Glasses group and the upcoming Self Edit Class.

Speaking of the Self Edit Class, we're giving it November 15-21. It's an online class facilitated through a Yahoo group with lots of individual interactions. Stopped by and check out the online brochure. Join us for tips on polishing your manuscript.

NaNoWriMo...Well, as week two starts, I'm lagging way behind. Last count was around 5300 words. After eight days, I need to be over 13k to be on pace for 50k. I did a lot at the evil day job last week so hopefully I can make up some time this week. I think I only have the EDJ one day this week--Tuesday. I'll know more then.

Tomorrow, I'm meeting my critique partner, Cynthia D'Alba, in Little Rock to write then we're attending Ree Drummond's booksigning at the Walmart at Chenal and Cantrell Road. Known on the web as The Pioneer Woman, her story reads like a real life romance novel. She says on her website, "I loved the city. Then I met a cowboy. Now I live in the middle of nowhere." Well, she's written a cookbook including some of the great recipes found her website. Guess what Momma is getting for Christmas? Check out her fabulous site!

Next Saturday, I'm part of a mass booksigning at Barnes & Noble in Little Rock. If you're in the LR area, plan on stopping by! Unfortunately, they weren't able to get my new Ellora's Cave print books yet so I'll be signing the straight stuff but there'll be chocolate! Stop by and say hi!

From the B&N website:

Things Are Heating Up at Barnes & Noble

Author Event
Baby, it's cold outside. Warm up with romance authors Delilah Devlin, Sandra Jones, Shayla Kersten, Shada Royce and Anna J. Evans (aka Annaliese Evans). Authors will be available to sign books

Saturday November 14, 2009 6:00 PM

11500 Financial Ctr Pkwy, Little Rock, AR 72211, 501-954-7646

Monday, November 2, 2009

NaNoWriMo Kickoff!

Day one...

Well, I didn't start out too well on day one. I finished up submission on another project and emailed it to my Ellora's Cave editor. With that off my desktop, I went to Conway for a NaNoWriMo kickoff party/write-in. My total word count for the day was 786. Keep in mind, to succeed with a 50k in 30 day challenge, I need to average 1667 words per day. So I'm already behind. *hangs head in shame* I have the evil day job this week, and probably part of next week, so I may be slow going getting started.

This year's novel is a gay erotic ghost story cold case murder mystery romance. *grins* Yes, genres gone wild. *cackle* The plan is for 85k words total but only 50k in November. I'm not totally nuts!

Now I'm off to the EDJ! Have a fabulous day, everyone!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

FOR OLYMPUS' SAKE Releases on November 6th!

Woo hoo! I have a release date--November 6th--and a hot new cover by Dar Albert for my time travel to Ancient Greece! Yes, I said time travel. I'm branching out into scifi/fantasy! FOR OLYMPUS' SAKE won't be the last either. I have several mixed in with ideas for more contemporaries and paranormals!

Here's a little about the book!

Available at Ellora's Cave November 6th!

The Blurb:

Stephen Liatos’ career as an archeologist hit a brick wall a long time ago. His love life crashed and burned right behind it. When a young, golden intern claims to have the key to the illusive artifact known as Aphrodite’s Necklace, Stephen’s life takes a strange turn. Suddenly, he’s in the middle of the hottest wet dream he’s ever had. Until all hell breaks loose. Literally.

Alex’s mission was to retrieve his mistress’ necklace. He didn’t need a passenger along for the ride, although Stephen’s overactive libido makes for an interesting trip. Nor did he expect to end up in Hades instead of Olympus. Now he has to get the necklace and Stephen out of the Underworld before they both become permanent residents.

Click here for an excerpt!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Vampires on Sale at Ellora's Cave!

In celebration of Halloween, all vampire ebooks are on sale at Ellora's Cave until October 31st! Check out this link: for 15% off!

Of course, since I have four vampire books at Ellora's Cave, they are also 15% off! If you are missing any of the books in the Eternity series, now's the time to buy!
The Eternity Series

Sexy vampires, immortal Watchers, murder, mayhem and manlove!
For a little of everything, the Eternity series.
Available at Ellora's Cave.

The Legends

The Vampires… The Eternity vampires aren’t your standard coffin-sleeping, sunlight-hating, garlic-issues, stake-avoiding vamps. Vegetation, crosses and holy water have no effect on the Eternity vampires. A stake in the heart hurts but doesn't kill. And while daylight will drain their strength, they can counteract it by drinking extra blood.

Unfortunately natural animosity exists between vamps. They can only stand to be near another of their own kind for a short while. Their natural urge is to run the other vampire out of their territory or to kill them. And the only means of death is severing the spinal cord. Beheading works best.

The Blood… While blood is the medium of delivery, it isn’t the true sustenance. Strong emotion sends pheromones into the bloodstream. Pheromones are the true craving of the vampire. The strongest response comes from extreme ends of the emotional spectrum—fear and sexual satisfaction. Fear is the more addicting but it takes bits of what’s left of a vampire’s soul.

The Watchers… Watchers are like the immortal children of vampires. Their mother, in the late stages of pregnancy, is turned when a vampire drains her of blood then forces her to drink from him. Because of the violent change, her body dispels the fetus. If the pregnancy is far enough along, the child will live. But his blood is mixed with the vampire's blood. After he reaches puberty, if the offspring has sex with another Watcher, he will be changed as well. Sexual fluids are to Watchers as blood is to vampires. Watchers have all the strengths of a vampire without the weaknesses or the need for blood.

The Rememdiu… Legend tells of a creature both vampire and Watcher that is a cure for vampirism. Some believe this means the death of all vamps, others believe the Rememdiu will allow vamps to live more like humans.

Step into the books and explore the world of the Eternity series!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I Survived RomantiCon!

So I'm back from Ellora's Cave's RomantiCon! I survived--exhausted--but survived! And had an absolute blast! Actually, I got back on Monday but I needed time to recuperate!

Things started out a bit rocky. The drive to the airport in Little Rock was harrowing because of torrential rains. Then both my flights were delayed. When I arrived at DFW (Dallas/Ft Worth), I had twenty minutes to catch my next flight to Cleveland. That meant a run from gate B9 to B25. I have to admit I'm not up to a run of any kind. I was already winded from the long uphill walk on the ramp from the plane. I don't breathe well since the pneumonia last year. Fortunately, one of the airport's cart came by and flagged him down. I caught my breath while riding to the gate. Not being able to breathe is a scary feeling!

I met my friend Betty Hanawa at the gate for the Cleveland flight. Her daughter Amanda's flight into DFW had been canceled so she wouldn't make it until much later. Of course, after my breath defying run the flight to Cleveland was delayed. *headdesk* But we finally made it to Cleveland airport. But my luggage didn't. *cackle*

Because of the delayed flights, we missed all the workshops on Friday but the Psychedelic Soiree made up for everything. Except I couldn't dress the part because my luggage still hadn't made it. *pouts* But I got over it quickly! A crazed stalking fangurl (j/k), George, found me at the party. I follow her on Twitter--that makes me sound like the stalker, huh... We headed to the bar after the party to chat. By the time we finished gabbing, midnight had struck and my luggage showed up! George turned out to be lucky! And wonderful to talk to!

Everyone was wonderful to talk to! RomantiCon was so much fun and, unlike other events I've attended, much less hectic and harried. Only two tracks of workshops so I didn't have to choose between a bunch of different tracks. Dinner and breakfast buffets were provided by Ellora's Cave so no scrambling for food between events. Lunch on Saturday was a little screwy since the hotel restaurant was understaffed. I missed a workshop after lunch because it took too long. EC announced that next year, they'd see about some kind of buffet for lunch as well. They left time between the day sessions and the evening events so I could rest or just sit and chat with people. Oh, and the bar had Killian's Red on tap. And for whatever reason, the alcohol didn't give me hot flashes! Woo hoo! Might be the new hormones!

Saturday also had Author Mania sessions. Authors gathered in the ball room in three different sessions in the morning and the afternoon, giving readers a chance to come around to meet and chat with their favs. They could also bring their own books for the authors to sign. At the two different sessions, I sat with different authors. And had a blast chatting with them.

Ellora's Cave also printed a keepsake book with autograph pages listed for the authors and the cover models. I used a blank page for readers autographs. Readers were the true stars of this convention. Writers can write all they want but without readers, we're nothing!

Another highlight of the conference was the book fair on Sunday. I got to meet a blogger who made my day on Mother's Day this year. She posted a blog about how her mother was a huge fan of mine and loved my books. Plus, I got to meet her mother! I was thrilled! And speaking of the book fair, I was signing my two new books in print, PAST LIES and NAUGHTIEST NUPTIALS (includes GAPS IN YOUR SOUL).

On the convention Yahoo loop, Ellora's Cave already announced next year's convention. It'll be at the same hotel October 8-10, 2010. Like this year, there'll be early bird stuff for those who arrive on Thursday, Oct 7. I plan to arrive on Wednesday. Maybe then I'll have my luggage and all in time. *cackle*

The flights home were all on time. It wouldn't have mattered if they weren't. I sat next to the amazing Samantha Kane at the book fair. Her newest book in print, TOMORROW, tempted me too much! TOMORROW is part of the scifi Hunter For Hire series at Ellora's Cave. We all know Sam writes amazing m/m/f menages in her Regency series, Brothers in Arms. Well, guess what? TOMORROW is like Brothers In Arms In Space! It hit all my scifi buttons! I finished it as the plane landed in Little Rock!

And when I got home, I emailed the series coordinator for a copy of the Hunter For Hire bible. I have an idea that would work for the world they've created. But first, I have to play catch up on the stories already in progress.

I'm off to another conference next week, this time in New Jersey. I need to get my butt in gear and accomplish some kind of writing before then!

Friday, October 9, 2009


I'm off to Ellora's Cave's RomantiCon today! I can't wait! This is my vacation for the year. I'm going to the convention to have fun. If I get any work done there, it'll be strictly accidental!

I know I've been a bit behind on blogging. I promise to catch up when I get back. I should have some goodies from the con to giveaway. Not to mention, I have two new print books out! PAST LIES is now in print and GAPS IN YOUR SOUL is in the NAUGHTIEST NUPTIALS anthology. Both available at Ellora's Cave now. They should be up on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, et al, soon.

Plus I have a new sale to announce. But right now, I need to get my ass in gear and get ready for my flight to RomantiCon!

PAR-TAY! Oh, if I call for bail money...well, hopefully you can spare a dime. *cackle*

Monday, September 28, 2009

Blogging at Erotic Muses!

Blogging at Erotic Muses! Check out the secrets behind Eternity!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Rainbow Studio Blog/Literary Nymphs Chat Winner!

The winner of my scavenger contest for the blog and chat is Jodi F! Congratulations, Jodi!

Thanks to everyone who played!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Literary Nymphs Labor Day Manlove Chat!

I'm hanging out at the Literary Nymphs Yahoo group this weekend. They are having a holiday weekend manlove chat! Stop by. Read excerpts. Play games. Win prizes!

Join the email group here!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Blogging at Rainbow Studio!

I'm a featured author at The Romance Studio's Rainbow Studio. I'm also blogging at the Rainbow Blog. I've posted a scavenger hunt there! Stop by and play for a chance to win an ebook or print book of the winner's choice!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Must Have Pants!

Well, I'm a little more timely this time! At least a month hasn't passed by since my last post. Not as much to report though.

My critique partner returned the gay Greek time travel--tentatively titled FOR OLYMPUS' SAKE. Her comments weren't too harsh, thank heavens, but as usual, she's right on the money. I ran through the edits then finished up the submission package (synopsis, back cover blurb). I emailed the entire thing to my Ellora's Cave editor yesterday morning. Now for the nail biting. And nausea. I always feel a little sick after submissions.

Early in the week, I started working on a gay erotic paranormal murder mystery. Oh, and it's a cold case. Yes, I've got genre-itis. Let's see how many I can squeeze in there. The plotting is coming along well. The victim is a smart-assed nineteen year old. I twittered yesterday that if my murder victim was real, I'd want to kill him! *cackle* No, I will not be writing myself into the novel as the killer.

Okay, for those of you who follow me on Twitter, you might have seen reference to the family must-have-pants rule. It's a long story. Someday, I'll stick it in a book. But let's just say a relative forgot to wear pants one day. For whatever reason. The worst part had something to do with arguing with the cops after the accident. I shudder to remember all the details. So anyway... Now the deal in our family is you can get away with almost anything--as long as you have on pants.

I just found this on YouTube. To freaking funny. Would give my mother nightmares!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Another Month Gone!

Another month got away from me! I haven't posted since July 11!

Things have been a little hectic. Momma recovered nicely from her gall bladder surgery. I did a lot of running back and forth for the first couple of weeks because she couldn't lift anything over 10 pounds. She doesn't like anyone staying with her when she's sick because she can't rest. She feels like she's not being a good hostess by sleeping through the visit! *cackle* But she was just fine calling me when she needed something. Worked for both of us. I'm only six miles away and I don't like spending the night away from home. *shrugs* We work well together. I figure when the day comes she needs to live with someone, we'll get a house with a mother/daughter set up (also called mother-in-law quarters, depending on where you live). With separate living quarters in the same house, it would work out perfect!

I received some great reviews for my Ellora's Cave novella, FIGHTING FOR ETERNITY! It's book four in my ETERNITY series.

Teresa at Fallen Angels Reviews said: "Ms. Kersten has continued her series with this action packed paranormal story. ... The love between Estefan and Karl is beautiful as they meet again at the most unexpected time and quickly rekindle their feelings for each other. I can’t wait for the next book in the Eternity series."

Scandalous Minx from Literary Nymphs said: "Ms. Kersten’s story has action, suspense, and sexual encounters that intertwine basic need, passion, love and devotion. This is a wonderful installment, and I have a feeling she will write, at the very least, one more book. I found the story delightful and look forward to reading more from Shayla Kersten in the near future."

Christine Phoenix said on her blog: "I would recommend not only this series but all Shayla Kersten’s work. Her characters are brought to life and she keeps your mind completely planted in the story until the end. I can’t think of a better way of spending a couple hours than reading about her hot heroes. Did I mention how hot the sex was? It’s a must read!" (WARNING: Christine has spoiler warnings in her review.)

I really need to get started on book five but I have several other projects simmering first.

On July 27, I finally finished the ancient Greece time travel that I thought would never end! LOL Finished around 39k words. A little longer than my novellas usually run but hey, the characters kept having sex! What am I supposed to do! On July 28, I started a space opera novella for a special anthology call. Only problem, the deadline was yesterday! Can we say procrastination, boys and girls?

I finish it yesterday afternoon at 26k words. In 14 days. And some of those days I had to work the day job. Saturday, I kicked into high gear. From Saturday through Monday, I wrote over 17k words. Everything hurt. Hands, fingers, arms, shoulders, back! But I finished it. Monday night, as I was putting the finishing touches on the synopsis, with less than two hours to go on the deadline, my power went out.

My neighbor said it was a substation two towns north of us. The entire east half of the county was dark. I had no way to get internet. I kept working on the laptop battery until my head hurt from lack of light. I gave up and went to bed, with no air conditioning mind you. I left my overhead light in the bedroom on so I'd wake up when the power came back. However, if my neighbor was right, I didn't have much hope for anytime soon.

Luck would have it, the power came back on around 11:45. I jumped out of bed, half awake and grabbed my laptop. A friend had done an emergency read on the story. As soon as I downloaded her email, I ran through her comments, wrote a cover letter and sent it off. With an apology and explanation for missing the August 10th deadline. So it's out of my aching hands.

Now, I'm getting back to my mainstream scifi idea from several months ago. But I don't have a concrete deadline so I don't have to kill myself.

One thing about the speed writing of the space opera story, it helped restore some of my confidence. Writers--probably creative types of all kind--tend to be insecure creatures. Or at least the ones I know. No matter how many accolades the last project garnered, I always have a little voice in the back of my head calling it a fluke. Seventeen contracts later, the voice is still there. I submit each project with a certain amount of nausea, waiting for the editor to tell me how much it sucks! Each release, I bite my nails until I see the first couple of reviews.

Then I had a couple of stories I started that stalled. The little voice said I was a fraud as a writer. I couldn't finish a story. A couple of rejected projects... Depressing yes, but usually I manage to brush it off. After a lot of cursing. *cackle* You can't be a writer if you can't handle rejection. Still, the little voice... Saying bad things.

So by speeding through the space opera project, and turning out what seems to be a pretty damn good story--one that is designed to be the beginning of a new series--I have managed to bind, muzzle and stuff in a closet that annoying little voice. Now to get through the next project before the bitch chews through the restraints!

May you always conquer the voices of doubt in your life!


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Time Flies!

I just realized I haven't posted in over a month! I'm so bad! Not that I have a lot to report. Momma's been having some trouble with her health so I've spent a lot of time accompanying her to doctor appointments and hospital tests. The doctors finally determined that her gall bladder was bad. She had surgery yesterday. Lil Sis came up to stay with her for the weekend. Hopefully, Momma is done with doctors for now!

I received some nice reviews for HIDDEN HANDS (Ellora's Cave, April 2009)

Tina at Two Lips Review said: I loved the chemistry between David and Jeremy. I only wish this novel never had to end! Read the entire review 5 Star review here.

Elise at Ecataromance said: Hidden Hands is a captivating mix of emotions, heat and suspense, guaranteed to raise your own heat level while at the same time leaving our hearts satisfied. Read the entire 4.5 Star review here.

Sandra at Night Owl Romance said: Finally Jeremy Lawson from A Helping Hand and David March from Hidden Force get their story and what a story it is. You get lots of passion and angst. The sexy love scenes abound and create a fun and satisfying read. This is definitely a keeper. Read the entire 4.5 Star review here.

I'm still working on a WIP for Ellora's Cave. I'm almost finished. The story is a time travel to Ancient Greece. What's a guy to do when he gets stuck in Hades?

I joined the JulNoWriMo challenge. It's a take on NaNoWriMo except not as strict. I can work on more than one story to make up the 50k total. I'm woefully behind. I need to kick it in to gear. My plan is to finish the current WIP, write a submission for Samhain's Space Opera challenge and work on my scifi project from a couple of months ago!

Ideas for a non-romance gay book hit me last month. I have to put it behind all the projects listed above plus a ghost story idea. So many ideas so little time! Or sanity!

I revamped my website some. I put up an index for the different types of stories. You can choose from GLBT or Straight romance or Erotica. You can also pick Series & Related Books. I'd love some feedback if anyone has time!

Another site I'm working on setting up is at the GLBT Bookshelf. It's a wiki style site for GLBT books! I only have one page up. I haven't had time to play with it more. I plan to put up pages similar to the book pages on my website but with places readers can comment.

I hope everyone had a safe and happy July 4th holiday! I'll try to do better at blogging in the future! Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


FIGHTING FOR ETERNITY, Eternity series book 4, releases today at Ellora's Cave! Woo hoo! I realized this morning that I'd never posted the cover for this one. I used it in a book trailer so I guess my brain registered it as done. My brain has a mind of its own. *cackle*

Once again, Les Byerley worked is cover art magic! Thanks to Les for another great cover!

The blurb:

Searching for a murderous rogue vampire, Watcher Estefan Garza’s life is turned upside down by tragic loss and a surprise from his past. His bone chilling loss is warmed by fires of passion reignited by vampire Karl Brandt.

On a quest to destroy a former friend, Karl is startled by Estefan and his mysterious companions. Karl can’t understand why Estefan hasn’t aged in seventy years. Unwilling to let him leave until Karl discovers the truth, he offers Estefan and his friends refuge and assistance for their common mission.

As a bloody battle for Memphis ensues, Karl and Estefan bond between danger and destruction until all that remains separating them is a fight for eternity.

Edited for buy link. The old Ellora's Cave website hasn't been updated but the new Jasemine Jade one has!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Time Raiders Series Contest!

The Seeker
Time Raiders Book one
Silhouette Nocturne, August 2009

Lindsay McKenna, Cindy Dees, PC Cast, and Merline Lovelace are offering more than $1,000 in contest prizes to celebrate the launch of TIME RAIDERS, a series conceived by RomVets and published by Silhouette Nocturne.

Boogie on over to right now and sign up for the Time Raiders newsletter! Rules and prizes for each contest will be published via the newsletter in conjunction with the launch of each book.

This series has a fantastic premise--a mix of scifi and fantasy with paranormal. Time travel to various ancient lands, exploring cultures. One of my fav time periods is covered! Book three was inspired by Queen Boudicca of the Iceni who fought the Romans in ancient Briton. Not many people even know who Boudicca was! But all of the books sound fabulous.

RomVets is a group of military women--former, active and retired--who write romance. I'm proud to be included in their number! For more about Romvets go to:

Monday, May 25, 2009

Never Forget!

Observe a moment of silence at 3PM your local time in memory of those who gave their all.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Time to mow the grass...

For weeks, my yard never dried out enough to mow. The east end, which is low, was slick with mud. Dangerous for a klutz like me. The grass on the west side was growing like a wildfire. Too thick and damp, it clogged my mower and stalled the engine. Great excuse not to mow, eh?

For the first time in months, Arkansas hasn't had rain in four consecutive days! My yard is finally dried out. But the forecast says rain on Friday. So I have no choice. Yard work is in my plans for today. I have to squeeze it in between timed writing and American Idol.

I don't watch American Idol but one of the final two is from Arkansas. His hometown, Conway, is about 20 miles from where I live. So out of a sense of support for a fellow Arkansan, I'm suspending my rule about reality shows. In spite of the reality show craze over the last half dozen years or so, I don't watch them.

Or I should say, I didn't watch them until last year. I broke down and watched Top Chef on Bravo. I still blame someone (Melissa Francis) for that. Oh, and I did watch a few episodes of Dancing With the Stars when Cloris Leachman was on. She's an unpredictable old dame with a foul vocabulary I can relate to and I just wanted to see what she'd do.

But tonight, I'll be glued to the TV to see if Kris Allen will beat Adam what's-his-name. Everyone says Adam will win because he appeals to the little fan gurls and they'll text for him over and over. But I'll still show Kris support by watching the season finale.

But in the meantime, I have a couple of yards to mow and a lot of writing to do! I stalled on a story I was working on for Ellora's Cave so I started a new one. And the characters are both having a grand time with the sex, not necessarily with each other. Good thing Ellora's Cave has the Exotica line. I'm not sure I can rein in the boys to make a believable "happily ever after". LOL We'll see how it goes! I need to get this finished and submitted so I can get back to my scifi idea.

Oh, I went to San Antonio Romance Authors conference a few weeks ago. Talked to an editor there and promised a gay ghost story that's been rolling around in my head since the DSRA group went ghost hunting last year! So I have a bunch of writing to do. And a bunch of yard to mow.

Also, it's "tiara day" on Twitter. Go check out the profile pictures... You can click the profile picture for a bigger view.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Blogging at Liquid Silver today!

Talking about all my children--the four legged kind! Stop by and leave a comment about your children, the two legged or four legged kind!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Harlequin's Recession Romance!

This Nightline segment is just too cool! They did a feature on Harlequin Romance. And they had so many different people reading from some of the stories. It's both funny and informative. Check it out!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Whose Book Is It, Anyway?

Blogging two days in a row? I know something must be wrong with me! But actually, something is right. I'm always glad to end the week on a high note.

I actually made some progress on the new story for Ellora's Cave. Every book has a main character. Even if there are two main characters as in a romance, one character has more to lose or more to learn. This determines whose book it is! Simple, eh?

Not so. As in the case of my current work in progress. My story started out as Max's book. About 19k words in, I realized I was writing Troy's book. So now, for the first 19k words, I have to edit for continuity with Troy's journey rather than Max's. Sometimes this is harder than just starting a new book. But I like where it's going so I'm going to buckle down with the edits. Or I'm supposed to be. LOL This week has been a blur and I hadn't even opened the file. Today I not only opened it, I worked on it! Woo hoo, me!

I did spend part of the week being productive, just not at writing. The program chair of the Diamond State Romance Authors insisted someone teach a workshop on book trailers. Just because I'm computer savvy doesn't mean I can do trailers. She disagreed. And she can be persuasive. LOL So I started playing around with Windows Movie Maker. Since the class is in May, I did a trailer on my June Ellora's Cave release, Fighting For Eternity. The final result wasn't half bad, if I say so myself!

The cover hasn't been posted on my website yet so this is the premiere of the cover! Check it out.


Searching for a murderous rogue vampire, Watcher Estefan Garzas life is turned upside down by tragic loss and a surprise from his past. His bone-chilling loss is warmed by fires of passion reignited by vampire Karl Brandt.

On a quest to destroy a former friend, Karl is startled by Estefan and his mysterious companions. Karl can't understand why Estefan hasn't aged in seventy years. Unwilling to let him leave until Karl discovers the truth, he offers Estefan and his friends refuge and assistance for their common mission.

As a bloody battle for Memphis ensues, Karl and Estefan bond between danger and destruction until all that remains separating them is a fight for eternity.

Let me know what you think. Does the trailer evoke a sense of the book when paired with the blurb? I feel like the blurb is necessary somewhere with the video. Like an excerpt without a blurb, I feel like there's something left out. Doing the entire blurb in the video would make it longer. I like shorter. What do you like? I'd love some opinions on book trailers in general so I can work them into my workshop. Some people watch them, some don't like them and won't bother. Some authors think trailers boost sales, and some think it doesn't but it's part of branding. I love to hear more readers views on the subject!

Well, I'm starving so I'm off to fix food. I really wish I could afford a cook. And a maid. Definitely a maid because housework sucks. *cackle*

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Never lose sight of your dreams!

Every time I see this, it brings me to tears. A woman most people wouldn't look twice at, hit the British airways then through the internet has stormed the world. Her dream to be a professional singer was a long time coming but I have no doubt she will not fade back into the obscurity of her little village. Just goes to show you should never give up on a dream.

Speaking of dreams, my long time galpal Elle James reached the Walden Borders best seller list with her newest Harlequin Intrigue, Baby Bling! Pick up a copy today and keep her climbing the ranks to one of her dreams come true! I bought my copy yesterday! Elle said to not let the cover or title fool you. She said, "I blow up a ship, crash a helicopter, burn a house, and lots more fun stuff in it! ... so if you’re so inclined toward action-adventure-mystery-suspense-romance, check it out soon!" I love it when Elle gets destructive! Makes for some fabulous reading! *cackle* Get a copy today at or your local bookstore. Remember, Harlequin books are only on the shelf for a month so get out there and see how much Elle has tormented her lastest hero and heroine!

And a couple more dreams come true! Running Press released two new historical romances this week. Transgressions by Erastes and False Colors by Alex Beecroft are being shelved in the regular romance sections of major bookstores. Why the big deal? Both novels are gay romances! Instead of relegating them to the GLBT section of the bookstore to be mixed in with fiction and non-fiction of all types, Transgressions and False Colors are out there in the romance section!

And I have proof! In Little Rock, Arkansas, at the Barnes & Noble on Financial Parkway, I found the books and took pictures! Then bought a copy of each. My book bill was a little high yesterday! *cackle*

Click on the pictures for a larger view! I love seeing a gay romance sitting next to Janet Evanovich and Shayla Black! It's a fabulous step forward for the genre and these two wonderful authors. And the good news is, there will be more! The back inside cover of both books announced the fall releases of Tangled Web by Lee Rowen and Lovers' Knot by Donald L Hardy.

Pick up both books at your local bookstore today! Snap a picture for Erastes' contest (

I also drove the poor folks at B&N a little crazy yesterday. Part of my shopping list--besides the three books above--was Beyond Heaving Bosoms: The Smart Bitches Guide to Romance Novels. Sarah Wendall and Candy Tan of Smart Bitches, Trashy Books have taken their collective knowledge and formed the ultimate guide to romance novels! With chapters names like Cleavage, Petticoat, Corset and Codpiece, you know their wonderfully irreverent humor marks this book as a must have for anyone who loves romance enough to laugh at the stereotyping surrounding the genre!

I didn't get a picture on the shelf because this wonderful guide released yesterday and the poor folks at B&N hadn't gotten the new releases shelved. The poor gentleman who first assisted me didn't seem to understand what I was saying and kept asking me to spell "bosoms". I would say he was an older man but he was probably my age and I don't like to call myself old. The younger man--whose name I should know since I've talked to him a dozen times at least--was able to find the book on the carts in the back waiting to be shelved. Then I made him crazy looking for one more book. Mine!

Or the one with one of my short stories, The Shopping List! The Black Lace anthology, Seduction, released yesterday! I had given away my only author's copy for a Roses Colored Glasses basket to be raffled at the Merritt conference in San Antonio, Texas. (I'll be there May 2nd!) I wanted to pick up another copy but once again, the book wasn't on the shelf. While the computer said it was there, the poor customer service dude couldn't find it anywhere. I told him I'd be back on Saturday so maybe I could pick it up then. He promised to figure out where it was shelved by then. *cackle* Poor dude.

Writing for Black Lace has been a dream of mine for several years. Even if it's only a short story, it's a start. Pick up Seduction at your local bookstore and check out The Shopping List along with a dozen other stories by fabulous erotica authors like Shada Royce, Katrina Wright and Portia Da Costa.

Friday, April 3, 2009

HIDDEN HANDS Released today!

Hidden Hands is out at Ellora's Cave today!

Detective Jeremy Lawson doesn’t expect anything from his one night stand except sex. What he gets is a shooting, a mystery plus some of the best sex he’s had in a long time. Somewhere along the way, he also finds some tenderness for a lost soul in need of rescuing.

David March has let his troubled past blind him to any kind of happy future. But when a one night stand turns out to be a cop in shining armor, David begins to think differently about his life. As in, he wants one. But to have one, he has to stay alive.

Note: For maximum reader enjoyment, we suggest reading Hidden Force (David) and A Helping Hand (Jeremy) where our two heroes were secondary characters.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Well, I'm a little out of touch!

I haven't posted in over two weeks! Things have been hectic lately. Have some good news to report! I sold another short story to Black Lace. IN HEAT will be in the SEXY LITTLE NUMBERS anthology due out in August! Woo hoo!

Mini-Blurbage: Miriam's new neighbor, George, is beyond hot. Just watching him sets Miriam’s libido on high. Unfortunately, because of George’s hate/hate relationship with her cat, Miriam doubts she’ll ever get the chance to check out the promise of George’s hard body. When her cat ends up stuck on George’s balcony, Miriam’s rescue plans goes awry. Her punishment leads to a delicious ménage as Miriam gives into the heat of her passions.

I also finished edits for book four in the Eternity series at Ellora's Cave. The release date for FIGHTING FOR ETERNITY is June 3rd! Another woo hoo! *cackle*

More blurbage: Searching for a murderous rogue vampire, Watcher Estefan Garza’s life is turned upside down by tragic loss and a surprise from his past. His bone-chilling loss is warmed by fires of passion reignited by vampire Karl Brandt.

On a quest to destroy a former friend, Karl is startled by Estefan and his mysterious companions. Karl can’t understand why Estefan hasn’t aged in seventy years. Unwilling to let him leave until Karl discovers the truth, he offers Estefan and his friends refuge and assistance for their common mission.

As a bloody battle for Memphis ensues, Karl and Estefan bond between danger and destruction until all that remains separating them is a fight for eternity.

Note: While a stand-alone, it is recommended the novels be read in order for maximum reading pleasure.

I had a wonderful time at the Northern Louisiana RWA Chapter's conference last weekend. Roomed with my galpals Myla Jackson and Delilah Devlin, which is always a blast. I met with a couple of agents who are interested in the scifi book. I need to finish it first as they want to see a full manuscript. I'm a few chapters in on it. I wanted it closer to completion before the conference but life didn't want to work out that way!

When I returned home, I found a request for a three chapter partial from another publisher for a different erotic romance project. So I've been a busy little bee getting the chapters ready to mail!

I'm going crazy but it's a good crazy! Between the scifi, the partial and another gay romance almost done, I've got plenty to work on. Just not enough hours in the day to do it! But I'm not complaining! I'm loving every minute of it!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I just received my cover for my April release at Ellora's Cave! Looks a little similar to A Helping Hand because it is a kind of sequel. Jeremy in A Helping Hand ended up the third wheel and alone. Now he finds comfort and more in the arms of another neglected secondary character--David from Hidden Force!

Hidden Hands
Coming to Ellora's Cave on April 3rd!

Detective Jeremy Lawson doesn't expect anything from his one night stand except sex. What he gets is a shooting, a mystery plus some of the best sex he's had in a long time. Somewhere along the way, he also finds some tenderness for a lost soul in need of rescuing.

David March has let his troubled past blind him to any kind of happy future. But when a one night stand turns out to be a cop in shining armor, David begins to think differently about his life. As in, he wants one. But to have one, he has to stay alive.

Note: For maximum reader enjoyment, we suggest reading Hidden Force (David) and A Helping Hand (Jeremy) where our two heros were secondary characters.

Click Here for Excerpt

Click here for larger version

Friday, February 13, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

New Release Tomorrow!

Positive Possibilities
Ellora's Cave

Chicago attorney Gabe Layton’s life has just turned upside down. His lover of six years is cheating and his supposedly straight best friend of twenty-something years claims to be in love with him. Throw that his cheating ex has possibly exposed him to HIV, Gabe’s world is a confusing place.

Paramedic Dean Bannon has always been attracted to both sexes but after seeing his lifelong friend Gabe deal with prejudice and hate, staying on the straight and narrow seemed an easier path. But his deepening feelings for Gabe push him to reveal his hidden side. Now to convince Gabe of the positive possibilities of taking their friendship to another level.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Quick Update!

Seems I haven't posted in a while. AGAIN! I don't know how I get so far behind. I try to read blogs every day but I can't seem to write my own! LOL

So, this week went by in a flash and a half! The weather was a biyotch for part of the week. We had ice on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday afternoon started warming. Today, I think we hit 70 degrees. Arkansas weather is a total pain.

This week I worked on a query and synopsis for Harlequin Blaze. I mailed it Saturday. *crosses fingers* I've been rejected by Harlequin twice already--once by Romantic Suspense and once by Spice. Let's see if third time's a charm!

Today, I've concentrated on a concept, world building and synopsis for a scifi series. This series will not be erotic, nor gay. Not to say there won't be sex scenes or gay characters. Scifi has always more explicit sex than mainstream novels. Plus gay characters aren't unusual in scifi. But I want to do something with more mainstream appeal. I probably won't use my Shayla name but I don't think I'll be keeping the new name a secret.

The big plan is to polish this sucker to death then work on getting an agent. We'll see. I have an appointment with an agent at a conference the first weekend in March. By then I want the premise (blurb), synopsis and about 25k words of book one done. Plus, I'd like a premise for at least book two and three. In my head, I have ideas for the second book. Just need to think that one through so I can come up with book three. The characters in book one will probably show up in book three. I also need a snazzy name for the series. So confused! LOL And I've left myself very little time for all of it.

Of course, if I wasn't committed to working for the old day job all this week, I'd have a better chance of getting everything done. Plus I'll be working odd days through February because the audit starts this month.

I'll just have to work harder to get everything done. I have a rough premise and I'm about two chapters into the synopsis now. I plan to do a complete detailed synopsis--nothing I'd send to an editor or agent--like a map of the book for me. Hopefully, I can finish the synopsis this week at night. Writing a synopsis is a lot of "telling" words. Writing the actual book needs "showing" words. Much harder to come up with. Plus I don't need to worry about all the details. If I can finish the synopsis, I can start the book next week when I don't have the day job to deal with.

Oh, and I had a new sale! Ellora's Cave offered for the fourth book in my Eternity series, Fighting for Eternity! We haven't started editing yet so I don't have a release date or anything. Here's the blurb (also unedited):

Searching for a murderous rogue vampire, Watcher Estefan Garza’s life is turned upside down by tragic loss and a surprise from his past. His bone chilling loss is warmed by fires of passion reignited by vampire Karl Brandt.

On a quest to destroy a former friend, Karl is startled by Estefan and his mysterious companions. Karl can’t understand why Estefan hasn’t aged in seventy years. Unwilling to let him leave until Karl discovers the truth, he offers Estefan and his friends refuge and assistance for their common mission.

As a bloody battle for Memphis ensues, Karl and Estefan bond between danger and destruction until all that remains separating them is a fight for eternity.

So there you have it. A short summary of my life. Back to work now! I need a little more to finish the second chapter synopsis!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Revisions Are Done!

My editor requested some changes on a recent submission. I just finished the changes and shipped out the story! *le big sigh* I celebrated with a piece of chocolate cake and some yummy vanilla ice cream! Of course, now I'm freezing. *cackle*

The evil day job that won't go away (EDJTWGA) needs me for three days next week and probably five for the week after. Plus the CFO of the divisions we sold last year has contracted me for some help tomorrow. Some serious cutting into writing time. But the money will be most welcome.

My dryer died the other day. I tossed some heavy shirts and a pair of jeans in the dryer on Monday and ceased to pay attention until I noticed the dryer was silent. Didn't remember the buzzer going off but that wouldn't be unusual. I get into a story and I might not hear an explosion outside my window. So I grabbed some hangers and ran to get the clothes out before they wrinkled. (My momma says that long funny shaped table and the bookend with an eletrical cord will get rid of the wrinkles but I'm not sure I believe her.)

First sign something was wrong. The light in the dryer was out. Oh, and the clothes weren't really dry. My mind was still in my story so I kind of skimmed over the light thing and tried to turn the dryer back on. That's when I noticed how hot the top of the dryer was. Still, I checked the fuse box to make sure that wasn't the problem. It wasn't. So I wrestled the dryer out of it's tight spot and unplugged it. I think it missed the old washer. It died in the fall. Well, as soon as I get a check from somebody--anybody--I have to buy a dryer. Bummer...

Oh, and an update on my wayward cat, Princess. Remember, she found another family who evidently feeds her better? Well after passing the holidays with me--still convinced the other family was out of town--she comes home once in a while. She spent a weekend here a couple of weeks ago. But the other day was just hysterical! Because of her jaw injury, she gets wet food every day. Because I can't afford enough wet food to feed everyone, Princess was fed in the bathroom behind closed doors. She showed up out of nowhere, wasn't even crying for food, just sitting on the bathroom vanity. I petted her some then fed her. As soon as she finished, she jumped down and wanted out of the bathroom. I opened the door and she ran straight for the cat door then scampered back over to her other family's house. I tell, I felt so used! *cackle* Stupid cat.

Well, I'm going to enjoy USA channel's repeats of NCIS. Mark Harmon is such a fox with that silver hair!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Saturday Night Rocked!!

Wow! I haven't blogged in a week! Time got away from me. Can't say I'm surprised. I did a full week's stint with the old day job. My creative side curled up in the fetal position and whimpered. I don't know how I worked full time and wrote. I was brain dead every night when I got home. I couldn't even keep up with the blogs I read! I'd stare at the computer screen or the TV and not absorb anything. I have to go back to the ddj on Tuesday. Don't know about other days this week. I'm hoping Tuesday will be it.

I spent most of Saturday working on edits for HIDDEN HANDS. Finished the edits and sent them off then frantically got ready to go out. Author Shada Royce had her 30th birthday party Saturday night. It was a lot of fun and I got to meet some of her friends and family. Her mother is a hoot and now I know where Shada gets her sense of humor from! *cackle*

I wasn't exactly sure where the club was since I'm not real familar with North Little Rock. I left the house with an hour and forty-five minutes to get there. Google Maps worked like a dream and I was there a half hour early. And right next door was a Books-A-Million! I LOVE that store! The one in Little Rock closed years ago. NLR is a little out of the way when there's a Barnes & Noble in west Little Rock so I never went over the river to check it out! ("Over the river"-- the Arkansas River separated LR from NLR)

With a half hour to kill, you know I headed straight for the BAM! And of course, I started out looking for MASTERS OF DESIRE! They had a nice sized stack! I asked about signing stock and the staff were so nice! One of them, Chris, came over and talked to me for a long time. He's a Little Rock firefighter who works part time at BAM. He loves talking to authors. Check out his picture from his MySpace page! Gotta love a man in uniform!

Chris took my picture with MASTERS OF DESIRE for the BAM MySpace page. (And I remembered why I hate getting my picture taken! Unless I'm grinning like an idiot, I look like I'm angry! *cackle* My smile just isn't there!) And no, I'm not posting it here. If you want to see, go look for it on Chris' sites! LOL

We were talking about authors and I mentioned Delilah Devlin. He remembered her from years ago when he was working at the Bentano's. He said she had a sister who wrote too. Yep, that would be Myla Jackson--one of the authors in the anthology MASTERS OF DESIRE!

I chatted with Delilah and Myla today and they remembered Chris! It's such a small, small world!

So while the week was nothing to write home about, my Saturday night rocked! Getting to meet Chris and sign stock, then Shada's party with her crazy clan made for a great night!

Plus, today, my creative side woke up from its catatonic state and threw the most interesting curve in my current WIP. I'm off to Google erotic asphyxiation! *cackle*

Chris friended me from both his MySpace page and the NLR BAM MySpace! Go check them out!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Masters of Desire is actually out there!

Yesterday, I went to town to get my nails done--going back to work Monday, must have nails--and check Barnes & Noble for my book. And Masters of Desire was there!! *insert crazed Snoopy dance here* See! I took a picture!

As I took the shot, a couple of kids started to walk in front of me but stopped as the flash went off. I laughed and said something like "I know, strange to take a picture of a book but it's my book!" The teenagers thought that was cool and they moved on.

Then a woman in the same aisle walked over, said she'd overheard me say that was my book and asked which one.

I pointed out Masters of Desire like a crazed proud mother.

She picked it up and read the blurbs and said she'd buy it. Since it was my book.

I managed to contain my squeal of delight--just barely--and offered to sign it for her. She said sure!

So Joanne, wherever you are, you made my day! Thank you!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

MASTERS OF DESIRE now available!

Masters of Desire CoverMASTERS OF DESIRE
Kensington Aphrodisia

4.5 Stars from Romantic Times! These three deliciously erotic paranormal romances are about cursed characters and the lovers that free them. Packed with blazing hot sex scenes, likable characters and just enough suspense to fully engage the reader, this is one anthology that's bound to heat up any winter night.

"Pirate of Mystique Island" - Myla Jackson.

A magnificent man rises from the sea before the siren Melodie and she is enchanted in an instant. Lord Rafe Herrington is naked, his skin a shimmering blue, his muscles outlined by silvery rivulets. She longs to trace the water's path...down, down, down...and caress him tenderly. A deep spell binds him prisoner but a shattering climax can free him...

"Ghostly Legacy" - Layla Chase.

Know me. Know my body. Reidun's whispered command arouses a potent response in her Norwegian warlord. He vows to give her the utmost pleasure...until fate parts them forever. Then a modern woman hears his voice as she wanders through an ancient castle - and the warlord lives - and loves - once more...

"Keket's Curse" - Shayla Kersten.

Given as a handmaiden to the ancient temple of Goddess Hathor, Jamila's body and beauty mesmerize all men. Cursed by a jealous priestess, she can never be truly satisfied - until centuries later, still young, still beautiful, she is saved by David. His kiss explodes her bonds - and sexual ecstasy is next...